Friday, May 15, 2009

lacks trust

Dear Sook-Hee,

I have a problem. I don't believe anyone. Idon't believe my friends so I don't tell anyone my secrets. WHat should I do?

Lemon Tree


Dear Lemon Tree,

Not trusting people, especially your friends, is a hard problem. Did one of your friends let you down and ruin your trust? Once trust is broken, it is like a broken jar- you can glue the pieces back together, but it's never the same. Perhaps you need to learn who to trust and when. When I was about 12, I told a friend a secret that I liked this boy and she told him and the whole class. Everyone teased me and I was incredibly embarrassed. After that, it was hard for me to trust my friends for a long time. Choose your friends wisely and if you have a secret and you need to tell someone, make sure that person cares for you and that they *know* it is a secret and they should not tell.

Your friend,

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